
Sunday Photo Fiction – July 26th 2015

TITLE: Daddy

WORD COUNT: 287 words

Statue of Air Force pilot at Battle of Britain memorial in Capel le Ferne in the UK

“Mommy, why are we here?” the little boy asks, clutching his mother’s hand tightly.

His mother doesn’t answer but she is wearing an expression that his little brain cannot understand. He can only think that he had made her angry with his constant pestering.

“Mommy…?” He asks, tears welling up in his eyes as she lets go of his hand.

He didn’t where they were or why they were there. He looks around and his eyes lights up at the sight of the two planes. He rushes off to the closest one without hesitation.

Won’t it be nice, he thinks, to fly one of these.

“It’s called a Spitfire.” His mother speaks for the first time, startling the little boy. “Figures you would be interested in the same thing.”

“Mommy, are you crying?” He questions.

“You really are your father’s son.” She says with a small laugh as she dabs quickly at her tears. “Your father, Dave Windsor, used to fly one of these. He… died flying a Spitfire. He was a pilot like that guy over there.”

She points to the statue of the seated man looking far into the distance.

“Mommy, don’t cry.” The boy says. “We will find daddy. Daddy was a hero right.”

His mother can only nod.

“And you always say that heroes go to Heaven.” The boy smiles with a wise expression. “Let’s keep searching. I am sure daddy is searching for us too.”

“When did you become so wise?” She pinches his cheek lightly before taking his hand. “You’re right. We’ll find him.”

The bustle of tourists remained unaware of the two figures. Just the statue and the planes noticed them because they were all no longer among the living.


Hello~ Is everyone doing well~? What? I’m in a good mood? Well, yesterday was my birthday so i got a lot of cake~ Yay~Cake is life~~

Anyhoos, once again I’m over the word limit but it really couldn’t be helped. I hope you enjoy reading~!

— N


Brigit’s Flame Writing Community is hosting their July Month-o-Minis and yours truly has entered my humble piece “Emotionlessly Emotional” for the week 3. Voting is now open, so if you think that my entry is satisfying, kindly vote for me by clicking ⇒here

Thank you for reading.

— N

8 thoughts on “Daddy

  1. I had a niggling thought that they were in fact not among us mortals. Very good story, and I hope they find him.

    Liked by 1 person

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