
FRIDAY FICTIONEERS – JULY 31st, 2015: “Nana”


PHOTO PROMPT © G.L. MacMillan.

Nana loved to collect glass bottles.

Sometimes while taking out the garbage, I would pick up the uniquely shaped bottles I saw. Anticipating his delighted smile, I would wash them and take them over to Nana’s house.

Mama didn’t approve of Nana’s little hobby but I found it cute. It gave me endless pleasure to watch his face transform whenever he talks about his treasures. Fleetingly, I can see the boy he once was.

And it was the only time he ever genuinely smiled — as if he was really home and not still at war in some far off land.



Hmm… I’m on a roll today~~^^ Here’s another piece for my lovely readers.

Brigit’s Flame Writing Community is hosting their July Month-o-Minis and yours truly has entered my humble piece “Emotionlessly Emotional” for the week 3. Voting is now open, so if you think that my entry is satisfying, kindly vote for me by clicking ⇒here

Also check out “The Snotty Muse” , “An Unlikely Love” and “Prophesied“. As always critiques are very much welcome~ Seriously COMMENT! I want to hear from all you lovely people~^^

Thank you for reading.

— N

18 thoughts on “Nana

      1. I have a question. I noticed you used nana for a man. What does it mean? I ask because I am not a man and my grandchildren call me nana.


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